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Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery Treatments and Procedures

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Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery Treatments and Procedures

Our team of seasoned specialists and experts are capable of delivering quality care and optimal treatment options to those who suffer from cardiothoracic and vascular issues.

Key Procedures

Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery (MICS)

This heart surgery uses small cuts instead of a big chest incision, reducing recovery time and scarring.

Robotic Cardiac Surgery

Surgeons use a robotic system to perform precise heart operations through small incisions, enhancing accuracy and reducing recovery time.


Off Pump CABG uses a graft to bypass a blocked artery without stopping the heart or using a heart-lung machine. On Pump CABG involves stopping the heart and using a heart-lung bypass machine to restore normal blood flow during surgery.

Valve replacement

Valve replacement surgery can involve replacing a single heart valve with a mechanical or biological valve, or replacing both heart valves through major open-heart surgery.


ASD and VSD surgeries fix holes in the heart's septum. They can be done using a minimally invasive catheter-based technique with video imaging or through open-heart surgery with a chest incision.

AV Graft Fistula

AV Graft Fistula for haemodialysis involves creating a connection between an artery and a vein; in Level 1, a direct AV fistula is created, while Levels 2 and 3 use a synthetic tube to form the connection, enhancing vein accessibility for dialysis.

ASD/VSD Closure

These procedures fix holes in the heart's walls, either through minimally invasive techniques or open-heart surgery, improving heart function.


Pneumonectomy removes an entire lung, while lobectomy removes a part of the lung to treat diseases like cancer.

Pleurectomy (Decortication)

This surgery removes the lung's outer layer (pleura) to treat chronic infections or lung diseases.

VATS (Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery)

A minimally invasive chest surgery using a small camera and instruments inserted through tiny cuts to treat lung and chest issues.

Transposition of Great Arteries (TGA)

A surgery that corrects a congenital heart defect where the main arteries are reversed, improving blood flow and oxygenation.

B. T. Shunt

A temporary surgical procedure that creates a new pathway for blood flow to improve oxygen levels in babies with certain heart defects.


TAPVC surgery fixes a defect where veins bring blood to the wrong heart chamber, while TOF surgery repairs multiple heart defects to improve oxygen flow.

Reconstruction of Trachea

A surgical procedure that rebuilds or repairs the windpipe to improve breathing and airway function.

Tumours of Heart

Surgery to remove benign or malignant growths from the heart, improving heart function and preventing complications.

Carotid Endarterectomy + CABG

Combined surgery to clear blockages in neck arteries (carotid endarterectomy) and bypass blocked heart arteries (CABG), reducing stroke and heart attack risk.

Varicose Veins – RF/Laser

Minimally invasive procedure in which other radiofrequency or laser energy is used to treat varicose veins.

Peripheral Arterial Bypass

Surgery done to normalise the blood flow to the limbs.

AV Graft Fistula

AV fistula directly connects the artery to the vein and increases the blood flow into the vein, making it easier to access during haemodialysis. In AV graft, a synthetic tube is used.

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