Are Spine Surgeries Safe: Myth vs. Reality | Kauvery Hospitals
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Are Spine Surgeries Safe: Myth vs. Reality

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a doctor explaining spine anatomy

Monday, 24 June, 2024

Are you considering spine surgery at the best neuro hospital in Bangalore but feeling unsure about its safety and effectiveness? You're not alone.

Many people have concerns and misconceptions about spine surgeries.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll address common questions and provide clarity on the safety and success rates of spine surgeries.

Let's separate myth from reality and empower you to make informed decisions about your spinal health journey.

Is Spine Surgery Dangerous?

You might be wondering whether spine surgery poses significant risks or if it is safe.

It's natural to worry about the potential dangers of spine surgery. Let's address this concern:

Assessing the Risks:

It's completely understandable to have reservations about spine surgery. Here's the lowdown on its safety:

  • While spine surgery does carry inherent risks, it's essential to note that serious complications are relatively rare, particularly when weighed against the potential benefits it offers for many patients.
  • Patients often find that the relief from debilitating spine conditions outweighs the risks associated with surgery, especially when conservative treatments have proven ineffective.

Identifying Potential Risks:

Understanding the specific risks involved is crucial for making informed decisions about spine surgery. Here's what you need to know:

  • Common risks associated with spine surgery include infection, bleeding, nerve damage, blood clots, and complications related to anesthesia.
  • While these risks may sound concerning, it's essential to remember that they occur infrequently, and surgeons are well-trained to address and mitigate them effectively.

Precautions and Safety Measures:

Surgeons prioritise patient safety above all else, implementing various precautions to minimize risks throughout the surgical process. Here's how they do it:

  • Before surgery, patients undergo thorough evaluations to assess their overall health and identify any pre-existing conditions that may increase the risk of complications.
  • During surgery, surgeons employ advanced techniques and technologies to minimize tissue damage and ensure precise surgical outcomes.
  • After surgery, patients receive comprehensive post-operative care, including pain management, infection prevention measures, and physical therapy to promote healing and minimise the risk of complications.

A man with back pain and spine on the side

When Is Spine Surgery Necessary?

According to the best best neurosurgeon in Bangalore, spinal surgery becomes a necessity in the following conditions:

  • Persistent Pain:

    If you have chronic back or neck pain that doesn't improve with non-surgical treatments.

  • Nerve Compression:

    When there's significant nerve compression causing symptoms like severe pain, numbness, or weakness.

  • Spinal Disc Problems, or Herniated Discs:

    Surgery might be needed if the spinal disc problems are severe and unrelenting and cause nerve damage.

  • Spinal Instability:

    For conditions like spondylolisthesis where one vertebra slips over another, causing instability.

  • Spinal Deformities:

    To correct significant spinal deformities such as scoliosis or kyphosis.

  • Spinal Stenosis:

    When the spinal canal narrows, compressing the nerves and causing pain or difficulty walking.

  • Failed Conservative Treatments:

    If physical therapy, medications, and injections haven't provided relief.

  • Loss of Function:

    When there's loss of function, like bladder or bowel control, due to spinal issues.

  • Fractures:

    For serious spinal fractures that compromise the stability of the spine.

  • Tumours:

    To remove spinal tumors that are causing pain or neurological deficits.

What Are The Risks Of Spine Surgery?

Understanding potential complications can help you prepare and mitigate risks. Here are some common complications associated with spine surgery:

  • Infection:

    Surgical site infections can occur, requiring prompt treatment with antibiotics.

  • Bleeding:

    Excessive bleeding during surgery may require blood transfusions or additional interventions.

  • Nerve Damage:

    Nerve injury can result in sensory changes, weakness, or paralysis in the affected area.

  • Blood Clots:

    Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) or pulmonary embolism (PE) can occur, requiring blood thinners or other treatments.

While spine surgery offers benefits, it's essential to be aware of potential risks. Consider the following:

  • Risk factors for complications include age, overall health, smoking, obesity, and pre-existing medical conditions.
  • Surgeons assess each patient's risk profile and tailor surgical approaches and interventions accordingly.
  • Patients can reduce their risk of complications by following pre-operative instructions, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and adhering to post-operative care guidelines.

a doctor explaining the risks of spine surgery

Success Rate of Spine Surgery

Understanding the success rate of spine surgery can help alleviate concerns and set realistic expectations. The success rate of spine surgery varies depending on factors such as the type of surgery, the underlying condition being treated, and the patient's overall health. In many cases, spine surgery can effectively alleviate pain, improve mobility, and enhance the quality of life for patients. Success rates are generally higher when surgeries are performed for well-defined conditions with clear surgical indications.

Spine Surgery Myths

  • Myth: Spine surgery is always risky.
  • Fact: Advances in technology and techniques have made spine surgery safer than ever.
  • Myth: Recovery from spine surgery takes forever.
  • Fact: Many patients return to normal activities within weeks, thanks to minimally invasive procedures.
  • Myth: Spine surgery means lifelong pain.
  • Fact: Surgery often alleviates chronic pain, improving quality of life significantly.
  • Myth: Only old people need spine surgery.
  • Fact: Spine surgery can benefit people of all ages with serious spinal issues.
  • Myth: Spine surgery has low success rates.
  • Fact: Success rates are high, especially when performed by experienced surgeons.
  • Myth: You’ll need multiple surgeries.
  • Fact: Most patients only need one surgery to resolve their spine issues.
  • Myth: Surgery will limit your mobility.
  • Fact: Spine surgery often enhances mobility and allows you to return to active life.
  • Myth: It’s better to live with the pain than risk surgery.
  • Fact: For many, surgery offers a path to a pain-free life and better function.


Remember, Kauvery Hospital is here to provide expert guidance and support throughout your spine surgery journey, and help you ward off all misconceptions.

Authored By
Dr. Sridutt Bhadri
Consultant – Neurosurgery, Spine Surgery and Endovascular Neurointervention
MBBS, M.S(General Surgery), M.Ch (Neurosurgery), DNB (Neurosurgery), MNAMS, FRCS (England), FEBNS (Europe)
Kauvery Hospital - Electronic City


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